Lifetime ROA : 3.690%

ADA Delegated

Estimated Rewards

Annual Rewards: {{(input * ros).toFixed(2)}}
Monthly Rewards: {{((input * ros)/12).toFixed(2)}}
Rewards Per Epoch: {{((input * ros)/73).toFixed(2)}}

Staking Calculator

Disclaimer: This calculator only predicts an estimate of rewards. The actual amount of ada earned may vary and will depend on several factors, including actual stake pool performance and changes to network parameters. The annualized, monthly, and epoch equivalent returns given by this calculator assume that you delegate your stake to PILOT Pool for a 365-day period and that pool performance and other settings are consistent over that timeframe. This calculator is provided for guidance only and Pilot Pool accepts no responsibility for any discrepancy between estimated and actual rewards. This calculator is for guidance only.